xgirl's x-files x-perience REVISITED

xgirl's x-files x-perience REVISITED

Friday, 7 February 2014

7ABX15 - En Ami


A good ep in general because it was a character-driven story; a different flavor. But then I hear CC's voice saying that this is a plot driven show and believe me, this plot had some severe holes in it. That said, it was still a compelling story that held my attention for at least three quarters of the way. But then when you get a scene where an expert sniper has someone in his sight for several seconds — on two separate occasions at that — and he doesn't get his shot, you get pissed off at the unnecessary manipulation. Or at least I do. Other plot holes? Well, that crony of CSM's must have moonlighted back in the '60s as a CONTROL agent because unless he was in that mailbox when Scully dropped her envelope, there was no way that he could have had it in his hands fifteen seconds later. (What was even the point of that? Surely the mail system couldn't have delivered it to Mulder quick enough for him to care?) Was she drugged or wasn't she? And if she was, how? Did she finally accept a spiked lifesaver from him? Couldn't CSM have found an easier way to "intercept" Scully's email than to have access to her laptop? (The boys said that the deleted messages were on her hard drive; it's not like he was doing his magic remotely.) Oh, and were those extreme closeups of Scully's chest really necessary?

Best or Worst Moment

With the season fast winding up, the show seems to be driving M&S apart more than bringing them together, despite Doctor CGB's astute statement regarding Scully's attraction to powerful men, etc., etc. (By the way, who are these "men"? Surely not Ed Jerse and Philip Padgett... or does Mulder constitute "men" in the plural because he's just that good??) Anyway, my pick for best moment was that silent scene in Mulder's apartment when they're doing the scan on the disk to find out that it's empty. Scully looks up at Mulder standing in the doorway but he won't return her forlorn gaze. I wouldn't be surprised if these two decide to call it quits as partners at the end of the "season". I think they've gotten to the point where their working relationship is preventing them from going forward personally. How's that for a potential series ender??

Original Rating: * * *

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