xgirl's x-files x-perience REVISITED

xgirl's x-files x-perience REVISITED

Thursday, 6 February 2014

7ABX14 - Theef [REVISITED]


A strong showing of a good old-fashioned X-File with nice interaction between our two heroes. It was suitably creepy and well-paced. The occult theme wasn't a hard sell. I really liked the explanation that the guy at work here was "charmed", though. It made it more reassuring and believable in the sense that this is not something that the average Joe can just pick up and wreak havoc with...! I felt genuine sympathy for the doctor and could understand what motivated Peattie. (And I've also decided that being a landlady in the TXF world is equivalent to wearing the red sweaters of security on ST... eek!) On the negative side, I had a bit of trouble with the fact that while our backwoods country bumpkin didn't seem to understand the concept of microwave popcorn, he had no trouble actually using the machine. (I don't know about you, but I've met more than a few confusing microwave ovens in my time.) I also found the climax a bit contrived; it seemed so easy and convenient for the bad guy that he probably should have succeeded. But then where would we be next week? (Speaking of where we'll be, I still don't get why the writers keep sending our pair out to California, as there didn't seem to be much to this story that required any specific locale, but... anyway.)

A variation of "thoughtography"?
Here's what I liked about this: the premise of the story. In fact, I really liked the premise, right down to the moment at the end where Scully has doubts about how "right" her choice would have been as opposed to what Peattie may or may not have been able to do for his daughter. Powerful stuff to consider.

Here's what I didn't like (and what I couldn't buy from a TXF standpoint): the circumstances — particularly of M&S even getting this case before the blood had seemingly dried — and the timing of everything thereafter.

I still don't get the writers' need to situate so many friggin' stories this season out in California. Last week, the boys apparently called M&S out to fight the virtual fight in silicon valley, but this appeared to be a legit case. However, it was early in the morning when the good doctor's father-in-law was found hanging (1:48 am PST; 4:48 am in DC). I had assumed that our agents would normally be assigned out of town work by Skinner, but maybe not. In any case, Mulder — via whatever "x-file alert" means that he has working for him — is out there on the west coast with Scully PRONTO. (I'm not saying it's physically impossible since they are flying east to west, but it's still extremely fast, no? You'd think local PD would mull it over before calling out the feds.)

Anyway, the timing and some of the circumstances of the other events that occur are also difficult to believe. Some are small things, like Peattie literally disappearing after speaking with Wieder. (He is a real man, right, not a ghost?) And like the fact that Wieder would already have a copy of that last snapshot of the family together, taken at best, a couple of nights ago. (Even if it was a digital camera, he would have had to get it printed during all of this drama... not likely.) But then the whole last five scenes or so are just incredible for their incredibility. Peattie manages to hex his landlady to death, the death is reported on the news, and he still has time to stake out and follow Scully out to a cabin in the Sequoia National Forest... where Scully tells Mulder that she didn't see anyone following them.

Like I said in my original comments, Peattie probably should have succeeded in his last attempt, given the ease of it all.

Best or Worst Moment

I just have to pick the sequence in the bedroom when Mulder shows Scully the dirt on the bed and leads her into the whole voodoo magic theory. Expecting her to pooh-pooh the idea as usual, she surprises him by acquiescing, thus lending support to his previous comment that she continually keeps him guessing. I suppose Mulder was wondering what he'd done to deserve that benefit of the doubt, huh??

Original Rating: * * *
Revised Rating: * *

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