xgirl's x-files x-perience REVISITED

xgirl's x-files x-perience REVISITED

Thursday, 13 March 2014

8ABX21 - Existence


Two immediate post-ep thoughts that I'd like to share. This first one is sort of OT, but when everyone and his brother was raving about The Matrix two summers ago, I thought to myself, "if this is reality, then I'd just like to stay in my fake world." I feel that way about the world of TXF. Better to be dead than living in a world populated by all manners of aliens who want this planet for WHAT the hell reason??? (Krycek has it good now; poor boy.) My second thought is simply, "What did I just watch?" Does anyone think that this episode resolved anything? (I know some people tend to think the last couple of minutes resolves the MSR, but Mulder is going to be gone next year.) Does anyone think that next season will address any remaining questions that any of us have, or are we all heading for the exit door en masse? Have I mentioned how much I hate all that religious symbolism claptrap that seems to surround Dana Scully like a freakin' halo? I truly could have done without that half of this episode. The other half was exciting and well-paced, but unbelievably flawed every time I stopped to think. (Unfortunately, I haven't yet found a way to make myself refrain from doing that, unlike the creators of this show.) We had this wild chase going on where I'm not sure who was chasing whom or for what reason, although I must say I liked the "alien barnacle" car chase scene. Was mildly horrified by the vision of Krycek with a hole through his head, though... that was disturbing. (Couldn't for the life of me figure out why Krycek needed Mulder to be dead this week, but hey, that's par for the TXF course this year. Also found it strange that he thought he could get Skinner to shoot Mulder without the assistance of his nano palm pilot. That'll teach him to leave home without it.) I was amused by how Doggett was prepared to use force but then decided at the last second that it would be more entertaining for us to run away and do some nifty staircase chase scenes. (What miraculous time span did this whole two-parter take place in — it was forever night time at the Hoover building!) Did anyone else find that birth and post-birth scene weird?? (And I won't even bother discussing how weird Reyes was.) In the end, I know that some fans are just tickled now that Mulder and Scully are "together", but if I truly still cared, I'd say that there's definitely something wrong with how they got from point A to point B, especially when it's obvious that point C will still present some nasty dilemmas. The two hundred and forty-seven species of aliens wanting to take over the world are still out there, right?

Best or Worst Moment

For a time there, I thought that my lasting impression of Fox Mulder might be of those ridiculous train tracks over his right eyebrow, but David sure knows how to put on a face that could wring tears from a stone. When he smiled down at that baby, it suddenly made the world all right for a few seconds. I don't even want to spoil it by commenting too much on the rest of that ridiculous baby theme. (Is the baby Mulder's? Hey, it's named after his father, isn't it? Although it's handy that Scully's father was also named William. Is that your final nebulous answer, CC?)

Original Rating: * *

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