xgirl's x-files x-perience REVISITED

xgirl's x-files x-perience REVISITED

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

8ABX19 - Alone


So last week I rated the ep a 'three' by being considerate of anyone else who might still be watching this show with true interest. This week I'm going to pull a "Scully all things PMS bitch" routine and give it a 'one', just because I hated this hour and just because I haven't given any episode from this season a 'one' yet, when this entire season as a whole deserves it. So I'm giving you fair warning — bail now if you don't want to hear my vitriolic comments... Mr. Spotnitz has never really shone when it comes to convincing MOTWs, but we've all said that Detour worked because of the Mulder and Scully interaction and dialogue. Well, we got Mulder and Scully interaction and dialogue here too, but anyone who thinks that it's all the same ("just like old times" — is Mulder starting to sound like a broken record, or is that just me?) isn't remembering the past too clearly. Speaking of, if you were in danger of not remembering the past, then this ep must have been up your alley as a demonstration of just how much the boys can "remember" in one hour. What a trip down memory lane — conjuring up memories that weren't even real memories, such as that fused penny/dime contraption. Anyway, I was originally speaking of the so-called "x-file" in this one... what a crock. Frankie Baby offered up a reference to Tooms here, but could he create a monster that was anything near as complex as Tooms was? No! What was LizardMan's motivation? Where's the emotion? The actual case, once again, was just a back drop for all the cutesy stuff going on in the foreground, from the Lamaze class to the "pass the keychain" antics to the accountant masquerading as an FBI agent! (And hell, if she was just responsible for processing expense reports, then she's not even an accountant, but an accounting clerk. Not to mention she was obviously wasting enormous amounts of tax dollars by reading the detailed field reports relating to each case.) The only thing that would have made Agent Harrison worse was if she had had big boobs and giggled after her sentences. Otherwise, all the "Mulder and Scully..." comments were enough to make me want to take out a gun and shoot her. (Yeah, we get it, Frank, we're just a little too fanatic, just like the "comic book guy" on The Simpsons.) Why don't I believe that the FBI would send someone like this out into the field?? As a final thought, I'm not even going to waste time commenting on the Scully/Doggett thing and how she seemed so desperately eager to find him when he went missing for a few hours.

Best or Worst Moment

In my opinion, there weren't any good ones and I don't want to add to the list of bad ones, so I'm just gonna say that I'm glad the majority of on-line fans seem to think that Leyla Harrison was well-served in this "tribute", because to be blunt, if that was me, I'd be rolling over in my grave.

Original Rating: *

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