xgirl's x-files x-perience REVISITED

xgirl's x-files x-perience REVISITED

Sunday, 26 January 2014

7ABX08 - The Amazing Maleeni


This one made me laugh, but they weren't laughs of the Bad Blood kind, which to me is the epitome of an X-Files "comedy" episode. At the end of this one, I was left with the vague thought, "Well, that wasn't an x-file..." But I really didn't know if I was referring to an "x-file" in the sense that Mulder and Scully would refer to an x-file, or whether I was referring to an x-file as a long-time viewer of this weird and wonderful TV creation. It was an enjoyable hour of fluff, but I got the nagging feeling that I don't watch this show for its fluff value. I suppose when I get right down to it, it goes back to the fact that while something like Paper Hearts tops my list of episodes with which to introduce someone new to TXF, The Amazing Maleeni - even with nothing too terribly wrong with it - would likely wind up near the bottom of that list. (And as a final thought, what's so hard about that hand turning trick? As Mulder said, that's surely not the same as turning one's head right around!)

Best or Worst Moment

By the way, this one has very limited subsequent viewing appeal as I found out on sitting down with it a second time. I suppose the scenes with M&S amusing one another with their versions of magic were my highlights of the ep. Nice to see them actually smile and laugh and have fun with one another.

Original Rating: * *

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