Once again, at a distance of three, almost four years later, it's somewhat bittersweet to reminisce on TXF's better days. Definitely one of the series' major successes, this episode let us in on some interesting moments and created some indelible memories. And it was supported by outstanding performances all around, from the guest spots to the semi-regulars to David and Gillian. At times, it hurt to watch, but I think that's always been one of the X-Files' strong points: its ability to wring true emotion out of viewers without being manipulative about it. This wasn't a sob-fest, but the seeming futility of Scully's condition was always just close enough to the surface to make us acutely aware of Mulder's barely-controlled frustration as well as her tightly controlled fear. Observations post-airing? Well, I wonder if CC and the boys remember that Mulder took samples of Scully's ova. He could have ensured that they remained viable. Might this be how the awful pregnancy from hell started?
Best or Worst Moment
I'll go with one of the defining M&S moments of the series: the next to final scene in the hallway of the hospital. One complaint though — having seen the first or alternate version of this, I wish someone had taken the time to write the scene so that it didn't have the overly mushy tone of the original, but also not the sterile impersonal tone of the final (which I say doesn't match well with what Scully wrote in her journal). True, this woman is repressed without bound, but this was actually a very open moment between the two of them and knowing that Mulder had read some of what she wrote, she should have been able to speak in kind.
Original Rating: * * * *
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