xgirl's x-files x-perience REVISITED

xgirl's x-files x-perience REVISITED

Monday, 4 November 2013

4X11 - El Mundo Gira


At least John Shiban shows steady progress. By the end of the year, he's redeemed himself with Elegy and in the latter years, he's not done anything similar in quality to this and Teso Dos Bichos. Now that I think about it, perhaps the boys ought to stay away from Spanish names altogether... lump this one together with the former and Agua Mala and you've really got a collection for the bottom of the barrel! On the surface of it — like many TXF eps that fail to deliver — the premise is fine, but something about how it's rolled out just doesn't work. I would have liked to explore the story of El Chupacabra, but the "real life" love triangle aspect of it didn't appeal to me in the least. It had its amusing moments I guess... Erik Estrada should be proud, not to mention the artist now known again as Prince.

Best or Worst Moment

"Stella — !" Oops, I mean, "Maria!" Don't ask me what the best or worst part of this one was because nothing really stands out except perhaps Mulder's moment of madness in the car. I suppose the fact that El Chupacabra gets a subsequent mention in one of the series' best eps should count for something, but I dunno — I'm unconvinced.

Original Rating: *

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