So Terma didn't quite do it for me. Why? Because in that inimitable X-Files way, it got confusing and convoluted. Generally great stuff again, though — excellent production values in the location scenes. Exciting (albeit unlikely) getaway by Mulder. (Actually this escape from Russia probably ranks right up there with the exit from Antarctica in the movie. Yeah, Chris, we don't need to know details, but it might be informative for us in case we ever find ourselves in similar circumstances.) A fitting "reward" for Krycek. But then the action swings back to North America with the hearing, the old folks' home, and the burial of this mysterious second bomb in a Canadian oilfield... well, it all sort of became muddled for me at that point. The final analysis that we were left with, I suppose, was more government cover-up in terms of the experimentation with the black oil and all that alien jazz. Standard clarity for a mythology ep, all in all. Oh, and does anyone think that Mulder's exposure here has anything to do with his future reaction in Biogenesis? Probably not, right?
Best or Worst Moment
Most memorable moment I guess...! What can I say — I don't particularly like seeing Mulder hurt, but "that man Krycek" is a whole other story. I can't even begin to imagine staying lucid through the act of having your arm cut off, but Krycek didn't really sound like he was going to faint all too quickly. One can only hope for his sake that he did drop unconscious at some point, because that knife certainly didn't seem up to doing the job quickly. Ouch and then some!
Original Rating: * * *
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